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[[File:]]Michael Leiterman

He lives in Little Rock,Arkansas.He likes Kasey Kahne,the Detroit Lions,The St.Louis Cardnals witch are going to the final game this year and his family.Born 12/13/97 in Lena,Wisconsin.

He is eight years old he goes to Clinton elementry school.His father is a builder and his mother is in real estate with re/max Val Hanson.His favorite cousins are Miles Barret Slarks and Emma Alana Coillins.His favorite grandparents are Grandma Val,Grandma JuJu,Grandma Grace,Grandma Diane,Grandma Josie,Grandpa Mark,Grandpa Merle,Grandpa John,and Granpa Dale.

His favorite aunts and uncles are Aunt Anna,Aunt Nicole,Uncle Chris,and Uncle Kristopher.He is very athleitic.He loves football.He loves nascar.He thinks its funny when he gets knocked in the head with a ball.He likes spoge bob,life with derek,all different kinds of shows.He likes to get hurt and in trouble.

He likes to find all different kinds of things on Wikipeadia.Bold text'